Club News
The club is open on Thursday evenings from 5.30pm and our chef Greg Adams has a very popular menu ranging from wedges, fries, etc. to main meals of fish, chicken and pork etc.
These meals are available as takeaways also. EFTPOS is now available for the purchasing of meals.
Clubrooms phone 09 422 5716.
A meat raffle with four draws is run each Thursday night. $2.00 per ticket as well as the club $100 membership draw at 8.00pm.
You must be present to win the club $100 membership draw.
VISITORS OR NON MEMBERS – Visitors or non-members attending on Thursday nights MUST be signed in by members. Book on bar. (Legal requirement).
Note: There is a breathalyser available at the bar if the members are unsure of their intake
Subs are due – $30 single $45 couple for social subs
Subs can be paid online – Westpac Warkworth 03 0481 0067328 00
Kaipara Flats Sports Club
Sporting News
The two Irishmen have arrived, Paddy Beverland and Aaron (Arnie) Wright.
Brett Randell has also signed for Kaipara this season. Brett was contracted to the Auckland Aces last season but was released this season. He is now trying to work his way through the Northern Districts system to get back into first class cricket. He will be a big feature for the Kaipara and Northland sides this summer.
Below are all the home games for the Premier Team, 12 weeks in total.
15th OctobervsCity
12th November vs Maungakaramea
10th December + 17th December vs Kamo (2 day game over two weeks)
14th January + 21st January vs City (2 day game over two weeks)
11th February vs Onerahi Central
18th February vs Kamo
25th February + 4th March vs Onerahi Central (2 day game over two weeks)
18th March + 25th March vs Whangarei Boys High School (2 day game over two weeks)
Below are all the home games for the Senior Team, 10 weeks in total.
5th November vs Rams CC
3rd December Waitemata Cup. (See note below)
10th December vs Kaukapakapa
14th January vs Otamatea
21st January vs Warkworth
28th January Waitemata Cup. (See note below)
4th February Waitemata Cup. (See note below)
25th February vs Pakiri
4th March vs Wellsford
25th March Waitemata Cup. (See note below)
Note: All the Waitemata Cup games will be played at Kaipara Flats on the 3rd December, 28th January, 4th February & the final on the 25th March. (all 7 teams will be there on the same day)
WOW, What a finish to our season. Team 1 won their final after going into extra time! A great outcome after a very intense game. There were a few very hoarse spectators by the final whistle. Team 2 finished as runners up in B Grade. And Team 5 were second in C Grade. Well done to all the players!
A minivan load of seniors went to Rodney Prizegiving where Teams 1, 2 & 5 received their trophies. Team 4 also received the trophy for most improved team.
Kaipara Flats Senior prize giving was held at the sports club and we had a very good turnout with only a couple of players missing. A great night was had by all. It was especially nice to see our life members Clare Ryburn & Anne Dickson present.
Prizes awarded as follows:
Team 1: Player of the year: Phillippa Innes
Most improved:Kaye Collis
Team 2: Player of the year: Patrisha Beamish
Most improved:Olivia Freestone
Team 3: Player of the year: Victoria Joule
Most improved:Hayley Sutton
Team 4: Player of the year: Jess King
Most improved:Charlotte Walker & Jodine Carlaw
Team 5: Player of the year: Krista Cooke
Most Improved:Adelia Keenan & Cassandra Brown
Supporters Cup was awarded to Shelley Freestone – she was on the side line every week.
Dick of the year went to the boyfriends of team 2 players. (You will have to ask them why: Kyran, Aaron, Tom, Callum etc.)
Club contribution plate to Chonte Martin for her contribution to umpiring for KF.
Thank you Chonte!
Rodney Junior prize giving – the girls all received certificates and chocolate bars. The year 5&6 team received the trophy for winning their grade. Well done to you all, hope to see you all back again next season. A special thanks to Mel & Tanya for organising the girls.
At the junior Kaipara Flats prizegiving the girls had a fun game of netball against their parents & siblings at the Sports Club followed by a shared lunch. A great Saturday morning was had by all. The girls were all very proud of their medals, certificates and goodies they received.
Our annual trivial pursuit night was once again a success. We had a few less tables than normal but still had a great time. There were some amazing costumes. Thank you to all our sponsors, we really appreciate your support.
Puhoi Axemen
The wet winter weather is just about behind us and daylight savings is here so that means the woodchopping season is getting closer. For those cricketers out there wandering what happened to the old derelict wicket cover frame that was over grown with weeds at the far end of the sports field, well I can tell you it is now the roof on the axemen’s new training facility at Old Woodcocks road. The club has been busy over winter setting up the new facility with many a working bee and now we have an all-weather training venue.
We are training hard and some of the boys have even travelled to Whangarei for extra chopping tips from Jason Semenoff in preparation for our next challenge, which is a trip to the Christchurch Royal A&P show in November. This should be a great trip with 18 competitors and 6 supporters from the Opononi, North Harbour, Puhoi and Ngati Hine axemen’s clubs, travelling under Northland Axemens Association, competing or watching 3 days of wood chopping. Watch out for us on TV.
Unfortunately, we were unable to chop at Kaipara Flats School Show Day due to the weather. We will however, be putting on a display at the Wellsford Farm & Lifestyle Show on Saturday 19th November. The Whangarei A&P Show is December 3rd and some of the boys will be competing. Then the following weekend December 10th is always a great day at the Hukerenui Hotel.
If you are keen to give wood chopping a go contact John Sanderson 0274 731316 or 422 4971
Don’t forget firewood for sale and free mulch/peelings.
Phone Mikey Paddison on either 021 425549 or 422 5123
Graeme McDonnell 422 4971
All Volunteers are to be Club Members
Date | Club Members |MANAGER
13/10/16 |Mark Milne & Mike | Mike Paddison
20/10/16 |Peter & Sioux Anich |Peter Hudson
27/10/16 |Richard Dill & Debbie |Clare Ryburn
03/11/16 |Liam & Chrissy |Jeanette Sanderson
10/11/16 |Finbar & Aaron Palmer |Steve Dill
17/11/16 |Rhys & Emma Ward |Terry Burke
24/11/16 |Celia Sowman & Paul Baker |Ekau Price
01/12/16 |Leigh Kirsz & Paul Burton |Charlie Holloway
08/12/16 |Laraine Sheffield & Josie Young |Mike Paddison
15/12/16 |Erica Kretschmar & Helen |Peter Hudson
22/12/16 |Sam Ryburn & John Sanderson |Terry Burke
29/12/16 |Bevan Wech & Raoul Robertson |Steve Dill
05/01/17 |Jason Wech & Scott Innes |Jeanette Sanderson
12/01/17Bruce Dill & ClareClare Ryburn
19/01/17Matthew Buchanan & Peter Mitchell |Ekau Price
26/01/17 |John Gauntlett & Rachel Cooney |Charlie Holloway
02/02/17 |Mark Milne & Ricky Gregory |Mike Paddison
09/02/17 |Gilbert Barruel & Gene Lewis |Peter Hudson
16/02/17 |Peter & Sioux Anich |Jeanette Sanderson
23/02/17 |Richard Dill & Debbie |Steve Dill
02/03/17 |Liam & Chrissy |Clare Ryburn
09/03/17 |Finbar & Aaron Palmer |Terry Burke
16/03/17 |Rhys & Emma Ward |Ekau Price
23/03/17 |Celia Sowman & Paul Baker |Charlie Holloway
30/03/17 |Leigh Kirsz & Paul Burton |Mike Paddison
06/04/17 |Laraine Sheffield & Josie Young |Peter Hudson
13/04/17 |Bruce Dill & Clare |Clare Ryburn
20/04/17 |Jason Wech & Scott Innes |Steve Dill
27/04/17 |Bevan Wech & Raoul Robertson |Jeanette Sanderson
04/05/17 |Erica Kretschmar & Helen | Terry Burke
11/05/17 |Gene Lewis & Mark Milne |Ekau Price
18/05/17 |Gilbert Barruel & Rachel Cooney |Charlie Holloway
25/05/17 |Matthew Buchanan & Peter Mitchell |Mike Paddison
If for some reason you are unable to do your Roster Duty would you arrange to swap with someone. (If all else fails ring Jeanette Sanderson and she will sort it out)
More people are needed to help on the bar.
Anyone willing/wanting to add their name to the bar roster please contact:
Jeanette Sanderson
027 669 7852 or 422 4971.
The official closing time laid down by the club committee is 11pm, and everyone out by 11.30.
Bar staff are always on with a qualified Bar Manager who does the locking up at the end of the night.
To insert information into further issues please contact: Dave Hotham. 4225272 or