Kaipara Flats Gardening Club




Kourawhero Hall

or local Gardens



First Thursday of the Month


Helen Whiteley | Chairperson | 09 425 5516
Noreen Moore, Treasurer
Sandy Donovan, Newsletter Editor

 09 425 5516


Annual membership is $10


The Garden Club meets on 1st Thursday of every month – we have Garden visits during the Summer and enjoy guest speakers on occasion at the Kourawhero Hall on Woodcocks Road.

New Members Welcome

With a membership of approximately sixty women, the club is very informal and welcomes anyone interested in gardening. Our members are from the broader Kaipara Flats area with many now resident in Warkworth and beyond.

KFSC Club Bar Roster Jan-Aug 2018

The Bar Roster for Kaipara Flats Sports Club is now accessible here.

Contact the Gardening Club

12 + 7 =
