Kaipara Flats Petanque




Kaipara Flats Sports Club




Weekend days and evenings during the season as announced


Maurice Purdy

09 425 9907 | 027 292 2396


with KFSC Social Membership

per player | $20

Petanque Season


Our 2017 Season will kick off on Saturday 4th February with a casual afternoon for Members, Visitors and New Players starting at 2.30pm.

Bring Food for snacks during play

– Cheese, Pate, Crackers etc


The rest of the season will be determined by the level of interest – we’re hoping to announce a series of regular games in competitions at various skill levels, so everyone gets to play… with a chance to win a prize!


Facebook Changes

Due to legal issues faced by facebook, we can no longer display feeds of our local facebook groups directly on this website – you will still be able to view them on facebook.com. This does not affect the display of facebook Pages.

Library Newsletter

The latest newsletter for the Kaipara Flats Library is now ready to view & download. Note the Library AGM is on Monday 14th May at 7.30pm.

KFSC Club Bar Roster Jan-Aug 2018

The Bar Roster for Kaipara Flats Sports Club is now accessible here.

Contact us about Petanque

15 + 10 =